

CONTAINED was a show in Hamburg this summer in Hamburg featuring deSERVICEGARAGE- artists and friends. I was a bit in panick because I found out that my normal silkscreen-options where all closed down during the summer.

I then decided to call silkscreen-king Harmen Liemburg to see if he knew a solution. Harmen was kind enough to invite me over to the private studio of silkscreen-kaizer Kees Maas and we printed the poster there in two days. The first day we printed a white base layer on the gray paper and next where the three ultrabright colours. Harmen really took time to teach me about the silkscreen process and as a result of that I am now able to produce silkscreened posters all by myself.

1 comment:

Smoothfluid said...

Awesome work on that poster. love it.